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<div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">【送料無料】</font>50-80<font face="MS 明朝">年代米国</font><font face="MS P明朝">TV</font><font face="MS 明朝">ドラマテーマ集</font><font face="MS P明朝">4CD[TELEVISION</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>S GREATEST HITS][<font face="MS 明朝">同</font><font face="MS P明朝">VOLUME</font><font face="MS 明朝">Ⅱ</font><font face="MS P明朝">][</font><font face="MS 明朝">同 </font><font face="MS P明朝">70</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>s<font face="MS 明朝">&</font><font face="MS P明朝">80</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>s][<font face="MS 明朝">同</font><font face="MS P明朝">IN LIVING COLOR]&nbsp;</font><font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">256</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲収録</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">【送料無料】日本の食卓やお茶の間にアメリカ文化を持ち込んだ</font>50<font face="MS 明朝">年代~</font><font face="MS P明朝">80</font><font face="MS 明朝">年代までの米国のテレビドラマの主題歌&主題曲を</font><font face="MS P明朝">256</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲詰め込んだ</font><font face="MS P明朝">4</font><font face="MS 明朝">枚の</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">を出品致します。レンタル品落ちではありません。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>①<font face="MS P明朝">[TELEVISION</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>S GREATEST HITS/65TV THEMES! From The 50</span> <span>’</span> <span>s and 60</span> <span>’</span> <span>s] <font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">65</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲 </font><font face="MS P明朝">TVT1100CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp; </font><font face="MS P明朝">1986</font><font face="MS 明朝">年</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">発売&nbsp;米国盤</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp; &nbsp; *<font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は画像</font><font face="MS P明朝">5</font><font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>②<font face="MS P明朝">[TELEVISION</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>S GREATEST VOLUME<font face="MS 明朝">Ⅱ</font><font face="MS P明朝">/TeeVee Toons Trivia Booklet] </font><font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">65</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲 </font><font face="MS P明朝">TVT1200CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">1986</font><font face="MS 明朝">年</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">発売&nbsp;米国盤</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp; &nbsp; *<font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は画像</font><font face="MS P明朝">6</font><font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>③<font face="MS P明朝">[TELEVISION</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>S GREATEST HITS 70</span> <span>’</span> <span>s<font face="MS 明朝">&</font><font face="MS P明朝">80</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>s/65more of your favorite TV themes.] <font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">65</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲 </font><font face="MS P明朝">TVT1300</font><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">1986</font><font face="MS 明朝">年</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">発売&nbsp;米国盤</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp; &nbsp; *<font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は画像</font><font face="MS P明朝">7</font><font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>④<font face="MS P明朝">[TELEVISION</font></span> <span>’</span> <span>S GREATEST HITSIN LIVING COLOR/TV THEMESFrom The 60</span> <span>’</span> <span>s and 70</span> <span>’</span> <span>s ] <font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">61</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲 </font><font face="MS P明朝">0022742CIN</font><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font face="MS P明朝">1996</font><font face="MS 明朝">年</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">発売&nbsp;独国盤?</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp; &nbsp; *<font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は画像</font><font face="MS P明朝">8</font><font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;*このジャケットは</font>TV<font face="MS 明朝">の色が見る角度で変化するお洒落な仕様です。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;戦後日本が経済成長で豊かになり、テレビの普及でプロレスや相撲、野球観戦が庶民の娯楽になって行った頃、テレビから流れてくる流暢な日本語を話す外国人達は夢のような西洋文化を食卓やお茶の間</font>(<font face="MS 明朝">当時はどちらも同じ部屋</font><font face="MS P明朝">?)</font><font face="MS 明朝">に運んで来ました</font><font face="MS P明朝">(</font><font face="MS 明朝">吹き替えは後になって解かった</font><font face="MS P明朝">)</font><font face="MS 明朝">。まだ土曜日がお休みではなかったあの頃、どこの家庭も週に一度の日曜の朝は「ルーシーショー</font><font face="MS P明朝">(I LOVE LUCY</font><font face="MS 明朝">」</font><font face="MS P明朝">)</font><font face="MS 明朝">や「奥さまは魔女</font><font face="MS P明朝">(BEWITCHED)</font><font face="MS 明朝">」でスタートするのが決まりでした。そして子供達は</font><font face="MS P明朝">TV</font><font face="MS 明朝">マンガ「ポパイ」や「トム&ジェリー」を見て「スーパーマン」や「バットマン」ごっこで夕焼けを迎えました。&nbsp;…というのは映画「三丁目の夕日」の中の話ではなく日本の中の多くの家庭の庶民的な日常だったのではなかったかと思います。やがて子供達は思春期になると夜のチャンネル争いで「モンキーズ」や「スパイ大作戦」を見たがりテレビが家に一台しかない事を羨みました。そんなキラキラで大量の海外ドラマ達も日本オリジナルの朝ドラとか刑事ものが現れる頃の</font><font face="MS P明朝">70</font><font face="MS 明朝">年代中頃にはグッと数が減り、気が付けば《</font><font face="MS P明朝">JAPAN AS NO.1</font><font face="MS 明朝">》の</font><font face="MS P明朝">80</font><font face="MS 明朝">年代が訪れました。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">本</font>CD<font face="MS 明朝">シリーズは、「色々な星を放浪した宇宙家族ロビンソンの最終回はどんなだったんだろう?」とか「タイムトンネルのダグとトニーはもとの時代に戻れたのだろうか?」などとどうでもいいしょうもない事を考えながら聞き流すのに充分な</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">です。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;私的な一押しは、現在でも某バラエティ番組中で使われている「原子力潜水艦シービュー号</font>/ <font face="MS 明朝">海底化学作戦</font> <font face="MS P明朝">(VOYAGE TO BOTTOM OF THE SEA)</font> <font face="MS 明朝">」のテーマ。そしてデビット・ビンセントが宇宙人の侵略者にたった一人で立ち向かう心臓がドキドキする「インベーダー(THE INVADER)</font> <font face="MS 明朝">」のテーマ。子供ながらにテーマ曲とコニー・スティ―ヴンスでワクワクした「ハワイアン・アイ</font> <font face="MS P明朝">(HAWAIIAN EYE)</font> <font face="MS 明朝">」です。どれも古き良き時代のアメリカが日本人にとって魅力的で憧れのアメリカだった時代を思い起こさせるTVドラマテーマです。</font> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">「スパイダーマン」「チャーリーズ・エンジェルス」「ワンダー・ウーマン」「ミッション・イン・ポッシブル」の様に今でもドラマや映画でリメイクされ続けているTVオリジナル版テーマ曲がこの</font>CD<font face="MS 明朝">にはギュー詰めです!</font></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝"><br></font></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">在庫整理で出品致しますが、申し訳ありませんがバラ売りは致しません。</font>4<font face="MS 明朝">枚セットでの購入をお願い致します。</font></span> <span>大切にしまってありましたが、</span> <span>盤面は奇麗ですが、</span> <span>保管期間は長かったので</span> <span>、</span> <span>神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。ノークレームノーリターンでお願い致します。迅速な発送を心がけます。</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><br></span> </div> <div> <span><br></span> </div> <div> <font face="MS Pゴシック">他にも音楽</font>CD・DVDを中心に色々と出品しています </div> <div> ↓ </div> <div> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><u>https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/seller/prine38</u></a> </div> <div> <span><br></span> </div> <div> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </div> <div> <span><br></span> </div> <div> <span>[Free shipping] We will exhibit 4 CDs packed with 256 theme songs and theme songs of American TV dramas from the 1950s to the 1980s that brought American culture to the Japanese dining table and tea room. It is not a rental item omission.</span> </div> <div> <span> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ①[TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS/65TV THEMES! </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;*Please see image 5 for detailed song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ②[TELEVISION’S GREATEST VOLUMEⅡ/TeeVee Toons Trivia Booklet] All 65 songs TVT1200CD 1986 CD release US version </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;*Please see image 6 for detailed song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ③[TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70’s&80’s/65more of your favorite TV themes.] All 65 songs TVT1300 Released on CD in 1986 US version </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;*Please see image 7 for detailed song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ④[TELEVISION'S GREATEST HITSIN LIVING COLOR/TV THEMESFrom The 60's and 70's] All 61 songs 0022742CIN 1996 CD release German version? </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;*Please see image 8 for detailed song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; *This jacket has a stylish design that changes the color of the TV depending on the viewing angle. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; After the war, Japan became prosperous due to economic growth, and with the spread of television, watching professional wrestling, sumo wrestling, and baseball games became a pastime for the common people. I brought the culture to the dining table and the living room (they were both in the same room at the time?) In those days when Saturday was not yet a day off, it was customary for every family to start the Sunday morning with “I LOVE LUCY” or “BEWITCHED” once a week. And the children watched the TV cartoons "Popeye" and "Tom &amp; Jerry" and greeted the sunset by playing "Superman" and "Batman". …I think it was not the story in the movie "Sunset on Third Street", but the ordinary life of many families in Japan. Eventually, when the children reached puberty, they wanted to watch "The Monkees" and "The Great Spy" in the nighttime channel competition, and envied that there was only one TV in the house. In the mid-1970s, when Japan's original morning dramas and detective dramas appeared, the number of such glittering overseas dramas decreased dramatically, and before I knew it, the 1980s had arrived with "JAPAN AS NO.1." </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> This CD series is full of questions such as ``What was the last episode of Space Family Robinson wandering around various planets like?'' But it's a CD that's enough to listen to while thinking about things that can't be helped. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; My personal favorite is the theme of "VOYAGE TO BOTTOM OF THE SEA", which is still used in a certain variety show. And the heart-pounding theme of "THE INVADER" where David Vincent confronts the alien invaders alone. It is "HAWAIIAN EYE" which excited me with the theme song and Connie Stevens while I was a child. All of them are TV drama themes that remind us of the good old days when America was attractive and longing for Japanese people. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> This CD is full of TV original theme songs that continue to be remade in dramas and movies like "Spider-Man", "Charlie's Angels", "Wonder Woman" and "Mission in Possible"! </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> I'm sorry, but I won't sell them separately. Please purchase as a set of 4. Although it was carefully stored, the board surface is beautiful, but the storage period was long, so please refrain from nervous people. I need your help by a no claim no return. I will try to ship quickly. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div></span> </div>

  • s1023173568

  • 1

  • 没有明显的伤痕和污渍

  • 卖家承担

  • 05月14日 19:59:40

  • 05月21日 19:59:24

  • 有可能

  • 不会

  • 不可以





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