
来源 雅虎日拍
商品状态 有些许伤痕和污渍
日本国内运费 中标者承担
国际运费 入库称重后计费
esirorper_it 收藏卖家
出货区域 神奈川県
评价 99.84%
好评 4339
负评 7
发货方式 发货地 60
ヤマト宅急便 関東 1260 1500 1720 1960 2180 2510 2950

[2台セット]HP J8693A 3500yl-48G 48ポート ギガビット POE イーサネット スイッチ ラックマウント 耳付き <div> <br> </div> <div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sh time </div> <div> Tue Jul&nbsp; 9 05:22:12 2024 </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sh ver </div> <div> Image stamp:&nbsp; &nbsp; /ws/swbuildm/ec_rel_charleston_qaoff/code/build/btm(ec_rel_charl </div> <div> eston_qaoff) </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; May&nbsp; 9 2012 11:00:55 </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; K.15.04.0015m </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1120 </div> <div> Boot Image:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Primary </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# show system </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp;Status and Counters - General System Information </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; System Name&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; System Contact&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;:&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; System Location&nbsp; &nbsp; :&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; MAC Age Time (sec) : 300&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; Time Zone&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : 0&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; Daylight Time Rule : None&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; Software revision&nbsp; : K.15.04.0015m&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Base MAC Addr&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : 68b599-243680 </div> <div> &nbsp; ROM Version&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : K.15.28&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Serial Number&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : SG106TH04H&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; Allow V1 Modules&nbsp; &nbsp;: Yes </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; Up Time&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : 2 mins&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Memory&nbsp; &nbsp;- Total&nbsp; &nbsp;: 118,779,904&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; CPU Util (%)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;: 100&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Free&nbsp; &nbsp; : 79,235,504&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; IP Mgmt&nbsp; - Pkts Rx : 79&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Packet&nbsp; &nbsp;- Total&nbsp; &nbsp;: 6750&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Pkts Tx : 79&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Buffers&nbsp; &nbsp; Free&nbsp; &nbsp; : 5086&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Lowest&nbsp; : 5085&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Missed&nbsp; : 0&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sho system power-supply </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> Power Supply Status:&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp;PS# |&nbsp; &nbsp;State&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;|&nbsp; &nbsp;AC/DC&nbsp; + V&nbsp; &nbsp; | Wattage&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp;----+-------------+-----------------+--------- </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;1 | Powered&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;|&nbsp; -- ----&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; |&nbsp; &nbsp; 0&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;1 /&nbsp; 1 supply bays delivering power. </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sho system power-supply&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; c </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp;Slot Power Usage:&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp;Slot&nbsp; Module Description&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; CurrentPower </div> <div> &nbsp;----- ----------------------------------------- --------------- </div> <div> &nbsp;1-24&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ProCurve J8693A yl Fixed 24p Gig-T&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Not Supported </div> <div> &nbsp;25-48&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ProCurve J8693A yl Fixed Gig-T/SFP&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Not Supported </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sh system fans </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> Fan Information&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; Num&nbsp; | State&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;| Failures&nbsp; </div> <div> -------+-------------+---------- </div> <div> Sys-1&nbsp; | Fan OK&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; |&nbsp; &nbsp;0&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> 0 / 1 Fans in Failure State </div> <div> 0 / 1 Fans have been in Failure State </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sho system temperature </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp;System Air Temperature </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;#&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Current Temp Max Temp&nbsp; &nbsp;Min Temp&nbsp; &nbsp;Threshold&nbsp; &nbsp;Over Temp&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;-------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- </div> <div> &nbsp; + Sys-1&nbsp; &nbsp; 24C&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 24C&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 23C&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 55C&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;NO&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp;ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# sh config files </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> Configuration files: </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> &nbsp;id | act pri sec | name </div> <div> &nbsp;---+-------------+------------------------------------------------ </div> <div> &nbsp; 1 |&nbsp; *&nbsp; &nbsp;*&nbsp; &nbsp;*&nbsp; | config1 </div> <div> &nbsp; 2 |&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;|&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; 3 |&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;|&nbsp; </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# show running-config </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> Running configuration: </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ; J8693A Configuration Editor; Created on release #K.15.04.0015m </div> <div> ; Ver #01:00:01 </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> hostname "ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G"&nbsp; </div> <div> module 1 type J86yyA&nbsp; </div> <div> module 2 type J86xxA&nbsp; </div> <div> vlan 1&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;name "DEFAULT_VLAN"&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;untagged 1-48&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;ip address dhcp-bootp&nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp;exit&nbsp; </div> <div> snmp-server community "public" unrestricted </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# show logging -a -d </div> <div> &nbsp;Keys:&nbsp; &nbsp;W=Warning&nbsp; &nbsp;I=Information </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;M=Major&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;D=Debug E=Error </div> <div> ----&nbsp; Event Log listing: All Events Recorded&nbsp; ---- </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00061 system: ----------------------------------------- </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00062 system: System went down without saving crash </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; information </div> <div> M 07/09/24 05:17:41 03001 system: System reboot due to Power Failure </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02759 chassis: Savepower LED timer is OFF. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02753 chassis: Ports 1-24 configured to normal power mode </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02753 chassis: Ports 25-48 configured to normal power mode </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00092 dhcp: Enabling Auto Image Config Download via DHCP and </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; turning off auto-tftp if enabled </div> <div> D 07/09/24 05:17:41 00080 dhcp: entity enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00690 udpf: DHCP relay agent feature enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: TACACS admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: TACACS oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: RADIUS admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: RADIUS oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: SYSLOG admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: SYSLOG oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: TELNET admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: TELNET oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: TFTP admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: TFTP oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02637 srcip: SNTP admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 02638 srcip: SNTP oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00110 telnet: telnetd service enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00068 chassis: Ports 1-24 Inserted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:41 00068 chassis: Ports 25-48 Inserted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 00433 ssh: Ssh server enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 00399 stack: Stack Protocol enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 00128 tftp: Enable succeeded </div> <div> D 07/09/24 05:17:42 00138 tftp: TFTP daemon enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 00417 cdp: CDP enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 00688 lldp: LLDP - enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:42 02633 SNTP: Client authentication is disabled. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:43 00066 system: System Booted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:43 02617 mgr: Startup configuration changed.&nbsp; New seq. number 0 </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:48 00375 chassis: Ports 1-24 Downloading </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:48 00375 chassis: Ports 25-48 Downloading </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:50 00376 chassis: Ports 1-24 Download Complete </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:17:50 00376 chassis: Ports 25-48 Download Complete </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:06 02612 mgr: chassis subsystem saved the whole running config </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; to startup config. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:06 00422 chassis: Ports 1-24 Ready </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:06 02611 mgr: chassis subsystem saved some internal change(s) </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; to startup config. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:06 00422 chassis: Ports 25-48 Ready </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:07 02617 mgr: Startup configuration changed by SNMP.&nbsp; New seq. </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; number 1 </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:12 00803 usb: port enabled. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:33 00179 mgr: SME CONSOLE Session - MANAGER Mode </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:47 02617 mgr: Startup configuration changed by CLI.&nbsp; New seq. </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; number 2 </div> <div> M 07/09/24 05:18:48 00000 sys: Operator cold reboot from CONSOLE session. </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:18:48 00222 mgr: Config file erased via the CLI erase command. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:07 00061 system: ----------------------------------------- </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:07 00063 system: System went down:&nbsp; 07/09/24 05:18:32 </div> <div> M 07/09/24 05:20:07 00064 system: Operator cold reboot from CONSOLE session. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:07 02759 chassis: Savepower LED timer is OFF. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:07 02753 chassis: Ports 1-24 configured to normal power mode </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:07 02753 chassis: Ports 25-48 configured to normal power mode </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00092 dhcp: Enabling Auto Image Config Download via DHCP and </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; turning off auto-tftp if enabled </div> <div> D 07/09/24 05:20:08 00080 dhcp: entity enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00690 udpf: DHCP relay agent feature enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: TACACS admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: TACACS oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: RADIUS admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: RADIUS oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: SYSLOG admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: SYSLOG oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: TELNET admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: TELNET oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: TFTP admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: TFTP oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02637 srcip: SNTP admin policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02638 srcip: SNTP oper policy is 'outgoing interface' </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00110 telnet: telnetd service enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00068 chassis: Ports 1-24 Inserted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00068 chassis: Ports 25-48 Inserted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00433 ssh: Ssh server enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00399 stack: Stack Protocol enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00128 tftp: Enable succeeded </div> <div> D 07/09/24 05:20:08 00138 tftp: TFTP daemon enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00417 cdp: CDP enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 00688 lldp: LLDP - enabled </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:08 02633 SNTP: Client authentication is disabled. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:09 00066 system: System Booted </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:09 02617 mgr: Startup configuration changed.&nbsp; New seq. number 0 </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:14 00375 chassis: Ports 1-24 Downloading </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:14 00375 chassis: Ports 25-48 Downloading </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:16 00376 chassis: Ports 1-24 Download Complete </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:16 00376 chassis: Ports 25-48 Download Complete </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:32 02612 mgr: chassis subsystem saved the whole running config </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; to startup config. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:32 00422 chassis: Ports 25-48 Ready </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:32 02611 mgr: chassis subsystem saved some internal change(s) </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; to startup config. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:32 00422 chassis: Ports 1-24 Ready </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:33 02617 mgr: Startup configuration changed by SNMP.&nbsp; New seq. </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; number 1 </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:20:38 00803 usb: port enabled. </div> <div> I 07/09/24 05:21:27 00179 mgr: SME CONSOLE Session - MANAGER Mode </div> <div> ----&nbsp; Bottom of Log : Events Listed = 91&nbsp; ---- </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G#&nbsp; </div> <div> ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G# q </div> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <font color="#525252" face="MS PGothic" size="3"> <div> <div style="COLOR: #333333;"> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic"> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">■ 保証期間: NC/NRでお願いします。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">■ 発送方法: 佐川/ヤマト運輸(運送会社のご指定はできません。)</font> </div> <div> <span style="COLOR: #2D2D2D;">■</span> <span style="COLOR: #2D2D2D;">送料について:梱包資材の費用や配送業者に持ち込む際に発生する交通費などが含まれていますので、ご了承下さい。</span> </div> <div> <span style="COLOR: #2D2D2D;"><br></span> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">■ 入札前にご確認ください</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 上記以外のチェックは行なっておりません。その他詳細はすべて未確認です。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 電話応対は不可です。取引ナビ及び質問欄でご連絡ください。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 多忙な為、リアルタイムの返答はできかねますので余裕をもっての投稿・質問をお願い致します</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 質問落札後の対応は営業時間(平日9:00~17:00)内になります。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 落札物到着後のサポート・使用方法の問合せにはお答えする事は出来ません</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 当方も別業者さんから譲られたものなので詳しい事情、パスワード及び分解痕跡などの確認することはできません。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 連絡事項がある場合、受領後48時間以内に取引ナビでご連絡お願いします。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 現状の状態を分かりやすく表記するようにしておりますが、程度の基準相違や表記しきれない部分もあります。神経質な方は入札をご遠慮ください。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 中古品につきましては、可能な限り清掃し出品しておりますが、ヨゴレ等が多少残っている場合もあります。予めご了承ください。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 中古品につきましては、画像は特別な記載がない限り「現品」です。画像にて状態をご確認ください。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * ジャンク、現状品、保証なし商品については、いかなる場合(万一のスペック記載違い含む)においても保証・返品・クレーム対象外でお願いします。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * ジャンク扱い商品については、記載の瑕疵が悪化する、または記載の瑕疵に起因し記載以外の瑕疵が発生する可能性もあります。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp; * 落札して頂いた後全く連絡か取れない方か多く、イタズラ入札が多発しております。申し訳ありませんが、新規さまの方のご入札はご遠慮いただいております。ご入札頂きましても削除させていただく場合がありますので、ご了承下さい。</font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d"><br></font> </div> <div> <font face="MS PGothic" size="3" color="#2d2d2d">&nbsp; &nbsp;上記の為、記載の現在の状態や画像の状態を保証するものでもありません。十分にご理解の上での入札をお願いします。</font> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></font> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></font> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

  • k1144063418

  • 1

  • 有些许伤痕和污渍

  • 中标者承担

  • 09月08日 19:04:02

  • 09月10日 19:04:02

  • 有可能

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